пʼятниця, 30 грудня 2016 р.
четвер, 22 грудня 2016 р.
пʼятниця, 9 грудня 2016 р.
William Shakepeare,
an English poet, playwright, and actor, has become an important landmark in English literature. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright. 400 years after his death we still admire the way he painted the portraits of love and hatred, power and despair, greed and generosity, discrimination and loyalty.
Watch this story, one of British Council 'Shakespeare Lives' videos, and find out interesting facts about the life of English most famous poet and playwright.
What foreign languages did William Shakeapeare study at school?
вівторок, 29 листопада 2016 р.
вівторок, 22 листопада 2016 р.
Do You Have a Family Food Tradition?
Within the walls of a home, every holiday and
special family gathering is built on traditions. These help to
bond the family through the special way you celebrate together as a family
unit. The majority of these traditions center around food. Each of us has our
own unique favourite dishes, that bring recollections of the enjoyment we had
cooking with our families. Cooking is a delightful way to help connect you
closer to your family. What makes it more special is the time you spend cooking
together, sharing meals, and enjoying your family traditions while celebrating the holiday.
вівторок, 6 вересня 2016 р.
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